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5 Tips to Prevent Bruising From Dermal Fillers and Botox Injections

While cosmetic procedures like Botox® and dermal fillers are some of the most popular beauty treatments in use today, they can and often do cause mild bruising. In fact, some studies show as many as 68% of those who received the injections also experienced discoloration and bruising.   

At New Image Med Spa, our experienced team makes it easy to include Botox and dermal fillers in your regular beauty routine at our convenient location in Fremont, California. We also take extra steps needed to minimize your risk of bruising. One essential part of this process is using special numbing creams during your procedure to constrict the blood vessels in your face. 

We also recommend following these five tips before and after your appointment with us to avoid bruising so you can more quickly reveal your new youthful glow.

1. Be mindful of blood thinners

Certain medicines and supplements can thin your blood and impact your treatment. Before your procedure, we meet with you to discuss your health and medical history and take an inventory of your current medications and supplements, paying special attention to: 

Some herbal supplements, like St. John’s wort, can also thin your blood and increase your chances of bruising following a cosmetic procedure.

2. Support your skin with supplements

Some medications, like Arnica montana, can help lower your risk of bruising. This homeopathic supplement comes in various forms, including oral pellets and topical gels, ointments, and creams.

For maximum results, Dr. Surinder Sandhu recommends taking Arnica montana orally in the days leading up to your procedure and continuing with tablets or topical therapies afterward. We can provide detailed information on vitamins and supplements, along with how to take them, based on your individual needs.

3. Minimize your use of alcohol

Alcohol relaxes and expands your blood vessels, which increases the blood flow throughout your entire body. Accelerated blood flow can significantly elevate the possibility of bruising or bleeding at your treatment sites.

Don’t worry, though — you don’t have to give up alcohol permanently. If you’re having a cosmetic procedure like Botox or dermal filler injections, just be sure to avoid consuming any alcohol the night before and the day of your treatment.

4. Keep your head elevated

Lying flat can increase your chances of swelling and bruising at the injection site. For 2-3 days after receiving Botox or dermal filler injections to your face, we recommend that you keep your head raised higher than your heart and apply ice regularly.

Not only does this keep swelling down, but ice makes your blood vessels constrict, which reduces bleeding. After the third day, switch from applying ice to heat to increase blood flow and flush damaged cells from the treatment site.

5. Do low-impact exercise

In most cases, having a cosmetic procedure like Botox or dermal fillers doesn’t require any downtime. While you heal, however, stick to gentle exercises that don’t get your heart rate up too high.

Vigorous activities can be hard on blood vessels that were damaged during your treatment. Instead, take a break from the gym or skip Boot Camp and choose gentler exercise options, such as walking.

For more tips on how to avoid bruising with Botox and dermal filler injections, call the experts at New Image Med Spa. You can also request a consultation online.

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