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I'm Embarrassed About My Acne Scars

I'm Embarrassed About My Acne Scars

Teenagers aren’t the only ones who struggle with acne; 25% of women experience acne well into their adult years. To make matters worse, acne scars can linger long after a pimple has popped, making it difficult for your skin to fully recover. 

At New Image Medical Spa in Fremont, California, Dr. Surinder Sandhu treats a variety of skin conditions including acne scarring with minimally invasive therapies that promote healing.

Types of acne scars 

Just as there are different types of acne, there are also different types of acne scars. Likewise, each type responds differently to treatment, which is why it’s important to consult a specialist to create an effective treatment plan. 

Generally speaking, there are three types of acne scarring: atrophic, which causes depressions in the skin; hypertrophic, which causes raised scars; and hyperpigmentation, which causes discoloration.  

Atrophic scars 

When most people think of acne scarring, they usually imagine some form of atrophic scars. These marks are very common, and can vary in depth and appearance. Examples of atrophic scars include: 

Hypertrophic scars 

Raised scars can be some of the most frustrating and noticeable. A hypertrophic scar occurs in the same place as the acne that caused it, while keloid scars grow to create a scar even larger than the previous mark. This type of scarring is more common among people with dark skin. 


Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is one of the most common types of acne scarring. It refers to the dark pink, red, and purple scars left behind after acne has healed. As long as you wear sunscreen, these marks should go away naturally. 

You’re more likely to experience discoloration if you pop or pinch at your pimples, so avoid further inflaming your skin whenever you have a breakout. 

How we can help 

There are many solutions to acne scars, but depending on the type and severity of your scarring, you might receive mixed results. Deep marks like boxcar or icepick scars might require persistent and aggressive treatment, while most instances of hyperpigmentation heal with time and conservative treatments. 

At New Image Med Spa, we offer a number of services to improve the texture and appearance of your skin, including:

PicoSure® aesthetic laser treatment

Pulses of light at a specific wavelength can help remodel the deeper layers of your skin, and promote the creation of new collagen proteins, which plump out and fill in deep marks caused by acne scars. The PicoSure laser also addresses skin hyperpigmentation, restoring evenness to your skin tone.

Microneedling and PRF

Microneedling combined with platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is another effective way to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of acne scars. We apply a topical numbing ointment, then gently move a handheld device covered with very fine, short needles over the surface of your skin. 

You’ll feel a light prickling sensation as the needles make “micro-injuries.” Then we apply PRF, created by centrifuging a small sample of your blood to concentrate powerful growth factors, to your skin. The combination of the micro-injuries and the growth factors call other healing agents to the upper layers of your skin and kickstart healing processes. 

Both procedures can be repeated several times over a time period of up to a year or more until your skin is smooth and the pigment is even. You may even be able to combine these procedures by alternating them.

You don’t have to live with acne scarring. Just schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandhu and her team by calling 510-269-2324, or visit our contact page for more information. 

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